Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Man fears most what he cannot SEE !!

True to each word; since the ancient cave times, man has always feared what he cannot see and perceive. Was this the reason for the birth of God & Devil ?? Is this the reason why he still fears night & stays in the comfort of lighted surroundings ?? Is this why criminals roam the streets in night and not daylight ?? Is this why man fears his future and death ??

“Sight”, an activity entirely dependent on two sense organs called eyes, has made man disillusioned in the modern times. So much is man dependent on his eyes, that without which he is completely lost for one meter of space and 5 seconds of time. He cannot simply imagine to walk around with eyes closed or to appreciate something or someone without seeing it/them first. Sight is one of the major sense organs which has corrupted man and robbed him of his right to live peacefully. He sees a beautiful woman & lust enters his mind, he sees money & greed enters his mind, he sees the progress of his colleague & jealousy enters his mind, he sees his loved one in the arms of another man & anger enters his mind. What can one then conclude from this ?? Isn’t eye of man to an extent guilty for his downfall ??

So much does man rely on, “seeing is believing”, that he has lost the skill of using his other senses. He sees food & if its sight is not good, then he concludes that the food is bad. He sees a woman & if her sight doesn’t soothes his eyes, then he concludes that she is not worth his time. Only when he gets to taste the food or know the woman, does he come to understand their value (& repents in some cases). This means that the first judgement of man is entirely dependent on his eyes. Does this mean that a blind man cannot live his life, that he is totally helpless and doomed ?? Why do we get to hear that a blind man may have lost his sight, but he develops his other senses to a level considered a miracle ?? Is it actually miracle or has he simply started believing and using his other senses to a greater level. Maybe a blind man can see more of the nature than a normal man; maybe he can see & understand the inner hidden gifts of nature which a normal man fails to see and receive.

If I remember right; this is why in martial arts at one level the teacher teaches his student to fight blindfold. He teaches him to stress on hearing and sensing the presence of an adversary and accordingly make his moves. This develops the student’s skills in using all the five senses; you can say that when all the five fingers close tightly, the fist is bound to deliver a good punch. Likewise, when all the five senses are in check, man is bound to make an impact in life.

Man doesn’t explore his inner self, he doesn’t peek inside himself and brings out his talents. He contains remarkable potential inside himself, but he doesn’t use it. To an extent he follows Newton’s third law; till the time he doesn’t put his talents into gear, it remains stationary & finally gets lost in the mist of time. And since, he doesn’t invoke his true inner nature; hence he fears the nature around him. Since he can’t see the future, he regards it with fear & caution.

What I want to point out is- Don’t be attached to your senses & especially don’t be dependent upon your sense of sight only. Invoke the rest of the senses and you will feel a new world around you. Use these senses wisely & rein them firmly and nature will feel proud of you. And believe me; when nature feels proud of you and showers her blessings, you my friend are indeed on your road to learn & master the three times (past, present & future). All you need is, true belief in your inner self

Like Henri Ducard says in the movie, Batman begins, “Men fear most, what they cannot see

Peek inside yourself,
& rein your sense.
You shall then see,
that no more you are tense.

Open your third eye,
& take a look around.
You shall see a world,
to senses which is bound.

Take up the quest
& free yourself from this.
You shall then see,
that to you comes, bliss.


  1. Well your thoughts on "fear of unknown" is beautifully expressed. However a blind man does suffer from anxiety,fear at much higher level & over a period of time he develops skills with other sense organs to see the life...
    I believe its you mind (inner self) is the one who controls your sense organs (they are just the medium).
    "Seeing is believing" is correct up to certain
    extent.... we should follow the "believing is seeing"... I mean one should believe first & than see things happening.


  2. Well said.... The first judgement is always made by sense, but criminals don't come out only in night...they are there well active in daylight... I know one ;)
