Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It is not our abilities that show what we truly is our choices !!

Is it actually true, that we are recognized by our choices and not by our abilities ?? How could the conscious choice of a man be given more importance than his abilities, which actually helps in bearing the fruits of his labour ??

It might be- that our choices actually direct us to our goals; they decide the road to be taken by us; where as our abilities simply qualify or complement us to travel on that road.
Abilities are the capabilities which man has in him to perform a task, to make him feel strong in taking a right decision; and that right decision comes from conscious choice of that man. Both are inter-dependent to an extent, yet the choice decides the fate of man rather than the abilities. Abilities come to man either from birth or polished over a long period of time and experience; where as choice is something which man makes in every important step of his life. His choice is dependent (at times) upon his abilities and later on decides the usage of those (or other) abilities. To make crude comparison- ability is like a stored energy, it can be positive or negative energy (or) potential or kinetic energy. Choice is the determining factor for the ultimate fate of that stored energy. Meaning, ability is the energy, where as choice makes it kinetic or potential.

To take my favourite example from literature- Sherlock Holmes had once told that had he not become a detective, then he would have become the most famous criminal of his times. But he didn’t, he became one of the legends in criminal literature. Why ?? Just because of his choice, a conscious choice made by him to pursue the road of righteousness rather than that of crime. He had the analytical abilities inside him for both good and evil purposes, but in the end his choice said it all. Now let’s give some emphasis to ability. Holmes also was excellent in chemistry and used to perform various chemical experiments, not to mention his skills in playing violin too. So according to these abilities of his, he could have opted for research in chemistry or to a theatrical environment to hone his musical skills. But the question which crops in my mind is- would he have become equally famous in those fields as he had become in that of crime ?? I guess only Arthur Conan could answer to that, while rest we know is legendary……

It is very aptly said by the character Morpheus in the movie “The Matrix Reloaded”- Everything begins with a choice. In the movie, Neo had made the choice to believe in himself and thus increased his abilities as per the requirement (of course the movie mixes the philosophies of destiny, ability, choices & action). Indeed it is true that man’s choice decides his road to destiny. But sometimes man doesn’t know of his abilities and hence makes wrong decisions, thus leading to unwise/undesired results. For those destined to be successful & make a name in history, destiny reveals its purpose bit by bit to them; but for those who live a normal (struggling to be happy) life, choice has a great role. A simple choice can change a man’s life from one extreme to another and most of the times ability has nothing to do with it

Let’s take few famous and simple examples to see it-
Siddhartha (Gautam Buddha) was a crowned prince & he was strong, wise and intelligent (or else he wouldn’t have won his wife’s hand in swayamvar). He was the only son of his father and thus unquestionably would have become the king of a great empire. But he didn’t listen to his abilities, did he now? No sir, he made a conscious choice for a far greater & righteous purpose- in short, his destiny and became Buddha. He was stopped, discouraged & distracted many a times by Mara (the Evil one) & his family, yet his choice never wavered. Indeed, this is true respect to one’s choice.
Adolf Hitler had a deep interest in painting & wanted to become a painter; also he was a field soldier in WWI. But fate I believe, had other plans for him & by serious of incidents led him to make the most important conscious choice of his life, ultimately affecting the political scenario of the 20th century world. Rest we know is history. Narendra had studied in law & was from a well to do family; but by making a conscious choice, today we know him as Swami Vivekananda.
I know of a person who had studied in political science (non mathematical background) and was interested in Indian civil service, today he is doing well in the armed forces of India (which requires mathematical knowledge). His choice was not dependent on his abilities. Also there is a person I know of from non-biological background, and yet today he is working in a Pharma company & in the director level.

What I wish to share here is that although most of the times we give importance to our abilities, yet we should never forget the power of “Choice” which ultimately is responsible for our life. Our choice reflects our character and not the abilities. A person having a criminal mind can become a criminal, and yet can make a conscious choice of joining the police force. A man of excellent scientific knowledge can become a scientist, & yet can join corporate sector to utilize his knowledge. The choice of a man later turns into his habit and later shapes his character. Start of a good habit by making a conscious choice, live up to that choice, and you shall emerge in life with a fresh & pure character within you.

Like the character Albus Dumbledore says in the story of Harry Potter & chamber of secrets; “it is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities

The ability is within you,
but choice decides your fate.
Believe in that choice,
& your life, you will never hate…

Shape up thy destiny,
raise your inner voice.
Be strong in character,
just by making a choice…

Let thy choice rule,
let thy choice guide.
You could reach your end,
by your choice thy should abide…

1 comment:

  1. Dear kush,

    You have rightly differentiated choice and ability. However, Ability would remain only the power to do some thing unless until you provide it with wings of "proper skill set".


